The next potential 100x crypto in the nascent, thriving Telegram gaming sector has already been identified as Dogizen. As evidenced by its presale already hitting $2.8m in its groundbreaking ICO on Telegram, Dogizen is drumming up serious FOMO vibes and breaking into a billion-dollar sector it looks to dominate in 2025. Learn why the smart money looking for the next 100x gainer is all over the Dogizen presale.
Dogizen: Riding a wave of momentum into the new year
Everyone’s into meme coins and utility tokens, but the most significant money will be made in new sectors that have yet to moon, and Telegram gaming is one of the sectors smart money investors are eyeing for a big jump in 2025.
Its $1B valuation is dominated by four major players: Hamster Kombat, Catizen, DOGS, and Notcoin, which account for 80% of the sector’s capitalization. All have been certified blue chips listed on Binance, minting new crypto millionaires in their meteoric runs earlier in 2024.
Dogizen, meanwhile, is on pace to launch at a $10 million market cap. The team planned this entry level to tempt buyers since a market cap that is too low may cause trust issues, but $10 million is optimal and offers excellent reward potential to early adopters. With each of its rivals sitting at a combined $1 billion market cap, you can see why DOGIZ is tipped to be the next 100x crypto.
If Dogizen’s market cap gets anywhere close to Hamster Kombat’s—currently at $200 million—then that would translate to an easy 20x. Considering Notcoin broke past $2 billion at its peak, 20x looks like the floor for Dogizen’s potential. That’s not to mention the first-mover advantage, as it was the first ICO launched on Telegram.
The pioneering ICO launch on Telegram
Dogizen’s competitors all hit nine-figure market caps despite airdrop distribution serving as a significant handicap. The Dogizen team saw that Hamster Kombat, DOGS, Bitcoin, and Catizen’s airdrop mechanisms caused massive sell-offs when listed on Binance. For this reason, Dogizen’s launch was structured as an ICO, which is more favorable for long-term price appreciation and organic community growth.
By launching its ICO, its native token, DOGIZ, is made more attractive for long-term holding. With early adopters already sitting at a 15.71% gain since its presale went live, Dogizen backers will profit even before DOGIZ hits exchanges in Q1 2025.
As the first Telegram ICO, Dogizen is well within easy reach of Telegram’s 950 million user base, who can buy, claim, and trade DOGIZ directly within the app. With Telegram serving as the new town square for the crypto industry, Dogizen’s pioneer status could give its native token, DOGIZ, even more fuel to skyrocket in value.
Dogizen riding a bullish wave of momentum entering 2025
The broader GameFi sector in which Telegram gaming belongs is set to grow by over 28% compound annual growth rate by 2032. If Dogizen captures just a fraction of the project inflows, the next 100x crypto will be hiding in plain sight.
Taking its innovative Dogizen Universe concept as the future of Telegram gaming, it’s easy to see why the smart money is taking out early positions in the hottest presale within the Telegram ecosystem as the new year draws close.
Dogizen is available at a discounted price of only $0.000081. Join the smart money and get in on the early gains today.
You can learn more and buy DOGIZ on Dogizen’s official website.