On Saturday afternoon there was another serious security incident in one of Bangkok’s famous shopping malls, the MBK Center at Siam Square where students from rivaling universities have repeatedly engaged in brawls, causing mass panic.
This comes just 18 months after a shooter killed three people at Siam Paragon and six years after a fight of the same student factions (also at MBK) caused death by use of a firearm.
Initial reports of suspected gunshots were disputed and the mall claims the sounds were from ceiland panels dropping on the floor. Okay!?
Just 14 months ago, a similar brawl of these very same students, AGAIN at MBK, also caused a mass panic at the popular mall in January 2024.
Authorities have been unwilling to do anything about this, and apparently, even murders haven’t caused them to take any action until now.
MBK Mall described itself as “MBK Center is the Best Tourist Destination in Bangkok. Offers a unique shopping experience for all.” on their Facebook page. Yeah. I guess you can say that again.
Here is a public statement from MBK about Saturdays incident:
What is so difficult to get this under control? Siam Square is one of Bangkok’s premier shopping and tourism hotspots, with almost no security. I can’t remember ever having seen police officers and armed guards posted there. While Thailand is generally a safe country, incidents of the recent past show that it might be time to beef up safety precautions in Bangkok.
Not too long ago, the same problems at MBK:
Here the incident where students were shot/killed in 2019 at MBK:
Google these student fights in relation with MBK / Siam Square and you find that this happens every few months.
What can be taken from all these incidents is that there is a clear safety issue that authorities don’t seem to be willing to tackle for whatever reason.
How difficult is it to get a few students under control? Thailand has a massive police force and strict laws but this is allowed to go on? Worst case, shut one of these universities down entirely.
But this poses even more of a problem for tourism. Thailand’s tourism arrivals are already reeling from a number of security-related incidents, such as the Paragon Mall shooting 18 months ago as well as the recent scam call center abductions of Chinese tourists that have taken place in Thailand.
As a result, Chinese arrivals have dipped sharply after mass cancellations. Chinese travelers are very sensitive to anything safety-related, and MBK is a very popular mall.
I have contacted the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) ‘s media team to get some feedback on plans for additional security.
The Bangkok Post reports that the Minster of Education wants more security in malls:
The higher education minister has called for tougher security measures from authorities, especially at shopping malls, after a clash inside an inner-Bangkok shopping centre, MBK, on Saturday.
Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Minister Supamas Isarabhakdi said on Sunday that she would ask the Royal Thai Police Office to intensify security measures at high-risk areas and monitor the movements of students with with a history of rivalry to prevent outbreaks of fighting.
“The incident is unacceptable. It was aggression and caused trouble to general people. Of course, there must be better action to prevent such incidents and punish wrongdoers, not only from the two institutions but also from all higher education institutions,” she said.
The minister referred to a clash between students from Rajamangala University of Technology’s Uthenthawai Campus and Pathumwan Institute of Technology. Both institutions are located near Pathumwan intersection in Bangkok, while MBK Center is situated in the middle of the intersection.
Students from both institutions have clashed at local places including MBK Center, affecting innocent passers-by in the crowded inner-Bangkok zone.
The brawl at MBK Center on Saturday broke out at the food court on the sixth floor of the centre at 7.15pm Saturday, frightening other patrons. Five students were injured.
Pathumwan police said two suffered serious stab wounds and were admitted to the intensive care unit of nearby Police General Hospital.
Four students from both institutions were arrested. They told police that they met their rivals by chance at the food court. Police believed there were at least 10 students from each institution in the clash.
Police sources said that students from each side might arrive in small numbers, eventually gathering inside the shopping centre. Police would ask MBK Center security staff to carefully search visitors for weapons as a preventive measure. …
It’s always these two universities that cause the problem, including serious injuries, mass panic in one of Bangkok’s main tourist areas, and even deaths. Yet, everyone in charge seems to be very cavalier about it and provides only lukewarm responses.
Two weeks ago, the U.S. Department of State issued a travel advisory for Thailand due to possible safety risks:
U.S. Embassy In Bangkok Warns Of Heightened Security Risks In Thailand Following Uyghur Deportations
I guess the tourism numbers need to go down even further for Thailand to take public safety more seriously.
There have been renewed concerns about the safety of tourists traveling to Bangkok, Thailand, as yet another shopping mall situation at the popular MBK Mall has caused a mass panic among shoppers on Saturday evening.
MBK and Siam Square have been the scene of constant attacks and fights between rivaling student groups in recent years, posing a safety risk for innocent bystanders. This comes in addition to the Siam Paragon Mall shooting 18 months ago and the recent news about the kidnapping of Chinese tourists to work in scam centers across the land border to Cambodia and Myanmar.
It’s unclear why authorities have so far been reluctant to provide additional security measures in Bangkok, especially at shopping malls. These student rivalries and public fights at MBK mall, which have even claimed lives and caused serious injuries, have become a problem.
How long until the first tourist is injured or worse in these situations? Last year, the Thai government allocated 50 Million Baht to assist foreign tourists in case of accidents. The coverage is up to 1 million Baht per person through the Assitance Scheme for Foreign Tourist Injury or Death. This was a direct response to the Paragon shooting, where two tourists and a local Thai national were killed.